Data Analysis II

Welcome to the Data Analysis II task. In this task we are going to work on how to handle missing data as well as Data Scalling and Normalization. Data can have missing values for a number of reasons such as observations that were not collected or data corruption. We will discuss some general considerations for missing data, discuss how Pandas chooses to represent it, and demonstrate some built-in Pandas tools for handling missing data in Python.

Working with missing data

Take a first look at the data

This should always be the first step during any analysis. Depending on data sources, missing data are identified differently. Pandas identifies missing values as NaN. However, unless the data has been pre-processed to a degree that an analyst will encounter missing values as NaN. Missing values can appear as a question mark (?) or a zero (0) or minus one (-1) or a blank. So it is important to view and understand your data before anything else.

We are going to use the Dataset 'balance.txt'. From the first five observations, we can see there are several missing values. They have been represented as NaN.

In [3]:
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
# for Box-Cox Transformation
from scipy import stats

# for min_max scaling
from mlxtend.preprocessing import minmax_scaling

# plotting modules
import seaborn as sns

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt


df = pd.read_table("balance.txt", delim_whitespace=True)
C:\Users\byamu\Anaconda3\lib\site-packages\ FutureWarning: read_table is deprecated, use read_csv instead, passing sep='\t'.
Balance Income Limit Rating Cards Age Education Gender Student Married Ethnicity
0 12.2407984760474 14.891 3606 283.0 2.0 NaN 11.0 Male No Yes Caucasian
1 23.2833339223376 NaN 6645 483.0 3.0 82.0 15.0 Female NaN Yes Asian
2 22.5304088790893 104.593 7075 NaN 4.0 71.0 11.0 Male No No Asian
3 27.652810710665 148.924 9504 681.0 3.0 36.0 11.0 NaN No No Asian
4 16.8939784904888 55.882 4897 357.0 2.0 68.0 16.0 Male No Yes Caucasian

How many NaN values can you point out?

Now that we have seen that there are missing values, we need to get a sense of how many missing values exist in the whole data set. We are going to find how many values we have in each column.

In [10]:
# get the number of missing data points per column
missing_values_count = df.isnull().sum()

# look at the # of missing points in the first ten columns
Balance       0
Income        6
Limit        15
Rating       11
Cards         1
Age          10
Education     6
Gender        8
Student       7
Married       3
dtype: int64

In order to get an even better sense. We need to see what percentage of all the values are missing. If we get a very high percentage we may not be able to use the data.

In [11]:
# how many total missing values do we have?
total_cells = np.product(df.shape)
total_missing = missing_values_count.sum()

# percent of data that is missing
(total_missing/total_cells) * 100

Seems like only 1.77% of the values are missing

Drop missing values

One option you have is to remove any rows or columns that contain missing values. This strategy is not generally recommended for datasets with important/sensitive data or datasets with a small number of observations. It's usually worth it to take the time to go through your data and really look at all the columns with missing values to really get to understanding your dataset.

If you're sure you want to drop rows with missing values, pandas does have a handy function, dropna() to help you do this. Let's try it out on our data.

In [12]:
# Create a temporary dataset
temp_df = df

# remove all the rows that contain a missing value.

Balance Income Limit Rating Cards Age Education Gender Student Married Ethnicity
4 16.8939784904888 55.882 4897 357.0 2.0 68.0 16.0 Male No Yes Caucasian
5 22.4861776123913 80.18 8047 569.0 4.0 77.0 10.0 Male No No Caucasian
6 10.5745164367595 20.996 3388 259.0 2.0 37.0 12.0 Female No No African American
7 14.5762043512884 71.408 7114 512.0 2.0 87.0 9.0 Male No No Asian
8 7.93809029500252 15.125 3300 266.0 5.0 66.0 13.0 Female No No Caucasian

As you can observe observations 0,1,2,3 have been dropped from the dataframe because they contained Null values.

The above proceedure removed observations. Now let us look int removing Columns.

In [13]:
# Create a temporary dataset
temp_df = df

# remove all columns with at least one missing value
columns_with_na_dropped = temp_df.dropna(axis=1)
0 12.2407984760474
1 23.2833339223376
2 22.5304088790893
3 27.652810710665
4 16.8939784904888

Looks like all columns had atleast one missing values excepts the Balance column. This is one of the reasons why droping data for having NaN's may not be a very good solution. We'll explore other options.

Filling in missing values automatically

We can use the Panda's fillna() function to fill in missing values in a dataframe. One option we have is to specify what we want the NaN values to be replaced with. Here, we can replace all NaN with 0.

In [14]:
# Create a temporary dataset
temp_df = df

# replace all NA's with 0
Balance Income Limit Rating Cards Age Education Gender Student Married Ethnicity
0 12.2407984760474 14.891 3606 283.0 2.0 0.0 11.0 Male No Yes Caucasian
1 23.2833339223376 0 6645 483.0 3.0 82.0 15.0 Female 0 Yes Asian
2 22.5304088790893 104.593 7075 0.0 4.0 71.0 11.0 Male No No Asian
3 27.652810710665 148.924 9504 681.0 3.0 36.0 11.0 0 No No Asian
4 16.8939784904888 55.882 4897 357.0 2.0 68.0 16.0 Male No Yes Caucasian

Another way is to replace the missing values with whatever values that come just before or just after it in the same column. This can be used in datasets where the observations are in some sorted or logical error.

In [15]:
# Create a temporary dataset
temp_df = df

# replace all NA's the value that comes directly after it in the same column, 
# then replace all the reamining na's with 0
temp_df.fillna(method = 'bfill', axis=0).fillna(0).head()
Balance Income Limit Rating Cards Age Education Gender Student Married Ethnicity
0 12.2407984760474 14.891 3606 283.0 2.0 82.0 11.0 Male No Yes Caucasian
1 23.2833339223376 104.593 6645 483.0 3.0 82.0 15.0 Female No Yes Asian
2 22.5304088790893 104.593 7075 681.0 4.0 71.0 11.0 Male No No Asian
3 27.652810710665 148.924 9504 681.0 3.0 36.0 11.0 Male No No Asian
4 16.8939784904888 55.882 4897 357.0 2.0 68.0 16.0 Male No Yes Caucasian

Other ways of handling missing data

Mean, Median and Mode Imputation

Using the measures of central tendency involves substituting the missing values with the mean or median for numerical variables and the mode for categorical variables. This imputation technique works well with when the values are missing completely at random. One disadvantage is that mean imputation reduces variance in the dataset.

Imputation with Linear Regression

This is an imputation technique that utilizes variables from the observed data to replace the missing values with predicted values from a regression model. Complete observations are used to generate the regression equation; the equation is then used to predict missing values for incomplete observations. In an iterative process, values for the missing variable are inserted and then all cases are used to predict the dependent variable. These steps are repeated until there is little difference between the predicted values from one step to the next, that is they converge. The major drawback of using this method is that it reduces variability. Though we have not introduced regression yet, its important to keep this in mind.

k-Neareast Neighbor (kNN) Imputation

For k-Nearest Neighbor imputation, the values are obtained by using similarity-based methods that rely on distance metrics (Euclidean distance, Jaccard similarity, Minkowski norm etc). They can be used to predict both discrete and continuous attributes. KNN workes by finding other observations that are almost similar to the observation with the missing value. For example, if the observation is 'Female' and 'Asian' we will find other users similar to her and get the mean or mode of the missing value. The main disadvantage of using kNN imputation is that it becomes time-consuming when analyzing large datasets because it searches for similar instances through all the dataset.

Scaling and Normalization

Scaling vs. Normalization: What's the difference?

One of the reasons that it's easy to get confused between scaling and normalization is because the terms are sometimes used interchangeably and, to make it even more confusing, they are very similar! In both cases, you're transforming the values of numeric variables so that the transformed data points have specific helpful properties. The difference is that, in scaling, you're changing the range of your data while in normalization you're changing the shape of the distribution of your data. Let's talk a little more in-depth about each of these options.


This means that you're transforming your data so that it fits within a specific scale, like 0-100 or 0-1. You want to scale data when you're using methods based on measures of how far apart data points, like support vector machines, or SVM or k-nearest neighbors, or KNN. With these algorithms, a change of "1" in any numeric feature is given the same importance.

For example, you might be looking at the prices of some products in both Yen and US Dollars. One US Dollar is worth about 100 Yen, but if you don't scale your prices methods like SVM or KNN will consider a difference in price of 1 Yen as important as a difference of 1 US Dollar! This clearly doesn't fit with our intuitions of the world. With currency, you can convert between currencies. But what about if you're looking at something like height and weight? It's not entirely clear how many pounds should equal one inch (or how many kilograms should equal one meter).

By scaling your variables, you can help compare different variables on equal footing. To help solidify what scaling looks like, let's look at a made-up example. (Don't worry, we'll work with real data in just a second, this is just to help illustrate the point.)

In [18]:
# generate 1000 data points randomly drawn from an exponential distribution
original_data = np.random.exponential(size = 1000)

# mix-max scale the data between 0 and 1
scaled_data = minmax_scaling(original_data, columns = [0])

# plot both together to compare
fig, ax=plt.subplots(1,2)
sns.distplot(original_data, ax=ax[0])
ax[0].set_title("Original Data")
sns.distplot(scaled_data, ax=ax[1])
ax[1].set_title("Scaled data")
Text(0.5, 1.0, 'Scaled data')

Notice that the shape of the data doesn't change, but that instead of ranging from 0 to 8ish, it now ranges from 0 to 1.


In [20]:
# read in all our data
countries = pd.read_csv(r"C:\Users\byamu\Dropbox\Tony Byamungu-28775\Data Analytics and Exploration\Task 14\countries.csv")

0 CEB Central Europe and the Baltics 1.555790 100.000000 14.538355 6.820042 1.840965 122.192106 58.599297 52.333390 ... 12567.128310 77.039930 189.578062 10.543330 11.429917 6.019183 75.295349 1.465325 -0.362710 62.059417
1 CSS Caribbean small states 4.658176 93.114511 9.096342 9.277109 3.250344 113.628493 35.407690 44.935642 ... 8726.326154 121.928584 200.568068 17.555646 7.436407 18.406085 72.252392 2.151960 0.642147 42.083135
2 EAP East Asia & Pacific (excluding high income) 3.796483 94.997330 16.471817 5.106045 3.789836 69.905604 28.957482 30.572597 ... 4007.323783 91.717833 134.835195 14.439063 7.019396 19.100000 73.482345 1.843869 0.713160 47.696831
3 EAR Early-demographic dividend 2.073571 79.455104 26.481427 2.119827 4.580200 68.069446 12.835425 27.711023 ... 2926.483907 150.595639 214.978616 22.914627 7.028941 40.042149 67.955732 2.763140 1.534541 42.113134
4 EAS East Asia & Pacific 2.930966 95.496185 13.729447 5.701783 3.247588 73.657018 34.269800 32.153225 ... 7674.475705 86.702958 130.465277 13.880915 7.095146 18.136433 74.383915 1.797065 0.675231 51.791229

5 rows × 21 columns

In [21]:
# scale the goals from 0 to 1
scaled_data = minmax_scaling(countries['IT.CEL.SETS.P2'], columns = [0])

# plot the original & scaled data together to compare
fig, ax=plt.subplots(1,2)
sns.distplot(countries['IT.CEL.SETS.P2'], ax=ax[0])
ax[0].set_title("Original Data")
sns.distplot(scaled_data, ax=ax[1])
ax[1].set_title("Scaled data")
Text(0.5, 1.0, 'Scaled data')

You can see that scaling changed the scales of the plots dramatically (but not the shape of the data: it looks like most campaigns have small goals but a few have very large ones)


Scaling just changes the range of your data. Normalization is a more radical transformation. The point of normalization is to change your observations so that they can be described as a normal distribution.

Normal distribution: Also known as the "bell curve", this is a specific statistical distribution where a roughly equal observations fall above and below the mean, the mean and the median are the same, and there are more observations closer to the mean. The normal distribution is also known as the Gaussian distribution.

In general, you'll only want to normalize your data if you're going to be using a machine learning or statistics technique that assumes your data is normally distributed. Some examples of these include t-tests, ANOVAs, linear regression, linear discriminant analysis (LDA) and Gaussian naive Bayes. (Pro tip: any method with "Gaussian" in the name probably assumes normality.)

In [24]:
# normalize the pledges (w/ Box-Cox)
positive_pledges = countries['NE.EXP.GNFS.ZS']
normalized_pledges = stats.boxcox(positive_pledges)[0]

# plot both together to compare
fig, ax=plt.subplots(1,2)
sns.distplot(positive_pledges, ax=ax[0])
ax[0].set_title("Original Data")
sns.distplot(normalized_pledges, ax=ax[1])
ax[1].set_title("Normalized data")
Text(0.5, 1.0, 'Normalized data')

Compulsory Tasks

In [4]:
# Read in Pakistan.csv and display the first 5 columns

pakistan = pd.read_csv(r"C:\Users\byamu\Dropbox\Tony Byamungu-28775\Data Analytics and Exploration\Task 14\Pakistan.csv", encoding='latin')
S# Date Islamic Date Blast Day Type Holiday Type Time City Latitude Longitude Province ... Targeted Sect if any Killed Min Killed Max Injured Min Injured Max No. of Suicide Blasts Explosive Weight (max) Hospital Names Temperature(C) Temperature(F)
0 1 November 19-1995 25 Jumaada al-THaany 1416 A.H Holiday Weekend NaN Islamabad 33.7180 73.0718 Capital ... None 14.0 15.0 NaN 60 2.0 NaN NaN 15.835 60.503
1 2 November 6-2000 10 SHa`baan 1421 A.H Working Day NaN NaN Karachi 24.9918 66.9911 Sindh ... None NaN 3.0 NaN 3 1.0 NaN NaN 23.770 74.786
2 3 May 8-2002 25 safar 1423 A.H Working Day NaN 7:45 AM Karachi 24.9918 66.9911 Sindh ... Christian 13.0 15.0 20.0 40 1.0 2.5 Kg 1.Jinnah Postgraduate Medical Center 2. Civil ... 31.460 88.628
3 4 June 14-2002 3 Raby` al-THaany 1423 A.H Working Day NaN 11:10:00 AM Karachi 24.9918 66.9911 Sindh ... Christian NaN 12.0 NaN 51 1.0 NaN NaN 31.430 88.574
4 5 July 4-2003 4 Jumaada al-awal 1424 A.H Working Day NaN NaN Quetta 30.2095 67.0182 Baluchistan ... Shiite 44.0 47.0 NaN 65 1.0 NaN 1.CMH Quetta \n2.Civil Hospital 3. Boland Medi... 33.120 91.616

5 rows × 26 columns

In [8]:
# get the number of missing data points per column
total_missing = pakistan.isnull().sum()

# look at the # of missing points in the first ten columns

S#                  0
Date                0
Islamic Date      154
Blast Day Type     10
Holiday Type      424
Time              211
City                0
Latitude            3
Longitude           3
Province            0
dtype: int64

Write a note on the reason you think we have missing data on the three top columns : Islamic date, Holiday type and Time. remember to classify them according to the three categories we analysed in the pdf.


i think the values are missing in this column because: there was no way to accurately record the time. perhaps the person who was collecting the data couldn't find a trusted source to accurately record the data and there's no possible way we can accurately impute replace the missing so this is MnAR

holiday type

I think we have missing value in this column because everyday cannot be a holiday so it makes sense to have other rows with missing values in this column simply because it was not a holiday. and the missing values has nothing to do with its hypothetical value and the values of other data. so this is Missing completely at Random (McAR)

Islamic Date

the Data are missing at random... because the propensity for a data point to be missing is not related to the missing data, but it is related to some of the observed data. MAR

For the following example, decide whether scaling or normalization makes more sense.

  • You want to build a linear regression model to predict someone's grades given how much time they spend on various activities during a normal school week. You notice that your measurements for how much time students spend studying aren't normally distributed: some students spend almost no time studying and others study for four or more hours every day. Should you scale or normalize this variable?

here because we are going use some of machine learning algorithm to build a linear regression model and the fact that the time students spend studying aren't normally ditributed NORMALISATION IS THE WAY TO GO

  • You're still working on your grades study, but you want to include information on how students perform on several fitness tests as well. You have information on how many jumping jacks and push-ups each student can complete in a minute. However, you notice that students perform far more jumping jacks than push-ups: the average for the former is 40, and for the latter only 10. Should you scale or normalize these variables?

Here because we just need to change the range or to put the former and the latter observation on the same scale. we will need to use SCALING

In [43]:
# From the countries dataset scale the "EG.ELC.ACCS.ZS" column and visualize it as well

eg = countries['EG.ELC.ACCS.ZS']

eg_scaled = minmax_scaling(eg, columns=[0])



(array([ 2.,  6.,  2.,  0.,  0.,  4.,  3.,  4.,  2., 21.]),
 array([0. , 0.1, 0.2, 0.3, 0.4, 0.5, 0.6, 0.7, 0.8, 0.9, 1. ]),
 <a list of 10 Patch objects>)
In [46]:
# From the countries dataset normalize the "SP.DYN.CBRT.IN" column
sp = countries['SP.DYN.CBRT.IN']

sp_normalized = stats.boxcox(sp)[0]


(array([5., 3., 6., 2., 5., 4., 8., 0., 4., 7.]),
 array([2.29960813, 2.43087318, 2.56213822, 2.69340327, 2.82466831,
        2.95593336, 3.0871984 , 3.21846345, 3.3497285 , 3.48099354,
 <a list of 10 Patch objects>)
In [ ]: